Sunday, June 26, 2005

Turd Alert!

Picture Michael Moore inside a very large condom. (You may substitute Kennedy; Teddy or Anthony, Kerry, Pelosi, Boxer, Dean, et al. to suit your own tastes.) The condom represents the extent of Mr. Moore’s universe of his own post-modern construction. The chemical make up of the prophylactic is a product of ingenious post-modern science and ingenuity. It is intended to form a semi-permeable, reverse osmotic membranous barrier against the input of information from countless other demigods foreign to his self-constructed realm. This membrane allows for all ejaculate to be dispersed orgiastically into the outside spheres in hopes of infecting others with Human Imbecilo Virus, but metabolizes the vast majority of outside thought and logic upon entrance. Language, literature, history, law, sociology, psychology, and rationality are catabolized and anabolized into a synthetic form suitable and fitting to the universe of his (their) own creation.

These celebrated ‘intellectuals’ have become more emboldened both by their hubris and their frustration by recent defeats to more greatly show true colors. As control over the legislative and executive branches continues to wane, they will increasingly rely on the judiciary to interpret the law of the land to their specifications in attempt to reassume cultural dominance.

They will continue to put forth the straw men of ‘Bush is a Nazi-ism’, ‘theocracy’, and ‘dominionism’ to mask their own hopes for assuming rightful dominion. It should be successful in that we are too stupid to deny them their just due-due.

1 comment:

David Kear said...

Just wait until Chief Justice Rehnquist retires. Which could be next week. I predict that the fight over anyone that W appoints will be huge. Their true colors will be shown again.