Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Another Fourth of July passes with the obligatory fireworks, parades, and cookouts. It seems we have been celebrating the innovations of the Chinese, migrating geese, and Neanderthals. But, somehow, I think there’s more to it.

I had intended to include in this post a single frame cartoon caricature depicting the Statue of Liberty holding a baby in her left arm. The baby was looking up into Liberty’s face as if to say, "Happy Birthday, America!" Across the back of the baby’s diaper was written,’Iraq’.

Back in July, 1776, our nation was that baby. A simple piece of paper was signed. The subsequent war was on. A government and constitution was yet to be formed. Many colonists as well as the mighty nation of England were determined to abort the baby.

Even today there are many factions determined to abort the baby Iraq. The insurgent terrorists are threatened by a democratic Arab state in the Middle East. Oddly, but not surprisingly, American progressives (nee: liberals) also are taking extensive steps to abort the baby as well. They have chosen a path that will not directly kill a free Iraq, but wish to withdraw the feeding tube and leave the young entity unprotected in the desert to be devoured by jackals.

To many progressives, the lip service given to strivings for liberty, freedom, and independence is only intended for the vanguard that includes only themselves. The large majority of unwashed masses need only be relegated to paternalism, grateful servitude, or abortive destruction. In this way, human cultural evolution can progress. Those of weaker intellects must not be allowed to inhibit our glorious development.

Elite progressives would have drawn the cartoon showing the Statue of Liberty using the torch as a cane, dropping the baby into a dumpster, using the left hand to reach out for the help of the vanguard. The red-state morons, however, still impudently attempt to resist.

Our founders would have drawn the cartoon with the torch held high, the baby held tightly, and struggling to load their flintlocks.

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