Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Die-anda Loss and The Supremes
(AKA Roe and Kelo in SCOTUS)

Disingenesis 3:1-7. (New Judicial Version) 1. Now The Pervert was more crafty than any of the citizens that the Constitution had recognized. He said to the Justice, "Does the Constitution really say, ‘You must not add to, take away from, or alter ex nihilo any article or amendment in the document’?"

Dissin. 3:2. The Justice said to The Pervert, "We may judge according to all the articles and amendments in the document, 3. but the Constitution did say, ‘You must not stray from the original intent of the document, and you must not ‘feel’ out its intent, or you will be impeached.’"

Dissin. 3:4 "You will not surely be impeached," The Pervert said to the Justice. 5. "For the Constitution knows that when you interpret its intent with ‘compassion’, your heart will be opened and you will be like the Constitution, determining the lawful, moral, and ethical."

Dissin. 3:6 When the Justice saw that evolving moral standards were good for the self-esteem and pleasing to the ego, and also for displaying one’s superior wisdom, he ruled by his own ascendant, compassionate intellect. He also gave this judicial philosophy to his fellow justices with him and they ruled likewise with a caprice of their own whimsy. 7.When they saw that they were fully exposed, they constructed an impenetrable shield of higher motives, nuances, penumbras, and foreign law to make coverings (complete with capes) for themselves.

After being banished from the garden of Eden, mankind’s relation to law has remained consistent. Laws, like records, are made to be broken. Man never grows out of the ‘terrible twos’ of youth. He may modify, add sophistication, or move to a more culturally accepted law-breaking, but these ‘terrible twos’ remain a part of his nature. Forbid a group of teenagers from any activity and watch it increase. Produce a movie or music CD using an anti-social actor or musician and burn out several calculators while counting box office profits. As mankind continually rebels against God’s Ten Commandments, he also will pervert the intent of the Constitution, even as he proclaims fidelity to it.

In our generation, from Roe v. Wade to Kelo v. New London, the Supreme Court has actualized man’s relation to law. This can very easily be seen in the use of language. While arguing that absolute truth is nonexistent, or at least to be confined to a church building on Sundays, man manifestly and staunchly stands for some ‘moveable’ or new truth, rebelling against the old. He creates this truth by fiat, manipulating definitions. The power of definition is the power to control. In Roe, the court redefined a embryo/fetus/baby as non-human; in Kelo the court redefined both private property and public interest. The Massachusetts Supreme Court redefined marriage and commanded laws to fit their newly created (or discovered) definition. The actual fight is not pro-life v. pro-choice, private property v. eminent domain, traditional marriage v. homosexual rights, or even theocracy v. ACLU. It is, in reality, God’s sovereignty v. the stubborn will of a two year old.

This is humanistic post-modernism in action. Man (I) is (am) the measure of all things. At one’s caprice anything goes. Combine this trait with power and... recount the effects in history. (Durbin: Nazis, Gulags, Pol Pot, and Guantanamo[redefined])

The most pitiful aspect of societies that experience these conditions is that, according to their egocentric natures, they generally just redefine or rationalize some new man-made ‘truth’ in an attempt to palliate symptoms while demanding the right to incubate the disease... "They were scorched by the fierce heat, and they cursed the name of God who had power over these plagues. They did not repent and give him glory. ..., and its kingdom was plunged into darkness. People gnawed their tongues in anguish and cursed the God of heaven for their pain and sores. They did not repent of their deeds." (Rev. 16:9-11, ESV)

Roe, Kelo, and numerous other schizophrenic decisions of courts at all levels are merely re-enactments of the desire to take nourishment from the forbidden fruit to declare one’s autonomy from the Creator God who is sovereign in all matters. Good luck with that.

Update: Mirrored by 7/21 article by
Thomas Sowell on Townhall.


Al said...
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Al said...

If you weren't humble, you'd be dangerous.