Tuesday, July 05, 2005

I'm having a great deal of difficulty placing images on the blog so my Fourth of July post will be late. Blogger added a feature that is supposed to import photos, but I haven't gotten it to perform as of yet.

In the meantime, I will be enjoying OLN's showing of the Tour de France. I've been following this race for over 30 years and still am amazed at what these athletes do. Some of those mountain stages would murder a Mercedes. It's early and there is still over 2,000 miles to go. Team time trials today. They will be averaging over 55 km/hr for about 1 hour and 15 minutes.

Lance Armstrong, like Greg LeMond before him, came up off his death bed to compete; Lance, of course, from cancer and Greg, from a shotgun blast to his chest. LeMond still carries about 30 pellets in his thorax and abdomen.

I don't mind, either, that an American is dominating a French passion. (Much like they must revel in the American Olympic basketball double dribbling.)

Well, the Discovery Channel team is about ready to go...

1 comment:

Al said...

Use Image Shack, it's easier and they do all the work.