Thursday, June 24, 2004

Lance - one more time.

But, this is all beside the point. At least, the point I'm trying to make.

There was a time that nobody had ever seen an atom, yet atoms existed. There was a time when nobody knew bacteria existed, that nobody knew North America existed (or, for the North American natives, that Europe existed), or that the Earth actually rotates around the sun.

We now know that people were just ignorant back then. Just because they couldn't see something didn't mean it didn't exist. Just because they drew wrong conclusions from the things they could see didn't mean new evidence would never come to light.

On the other hand, there are people today who (apparently) honestly believe the Holocaust never took place. Sure, there's tons of evidence, but it could all have been made up. Witnesses could have been coached. The moon landing was faked, don't you know that?

There are even some who are willing to call Abe Lincoln's existence into question. After all, just because I read about him and saw his picture on my money doesn't mean he was real.

I suppose I believe those things because I have faith in what I was taught.

I'm very long winded today, but still not as long winded as Steve.

There are surely many things that exist today that we aren't aware of. It was only a few years ago that we found real evidence of planets around other stars. As far as I know, the only other planets we've discovered are gas giants (but don't ask me how they know that), but I think it's only a matter of time before we find some planets much more like ours. There could be life on a planet a mere 4 light years away - we just can't see it yet.

Surely there are many other wonders waiting for us in space - they exist, but, looking around us in our daily lives, we can't see any evidence of them. This doesn't mean they're not there.

Just to be completely fair here, I don't have any real active arguments in favor of Christianity (or theism), either, as you've all probably surmised. I find myself wanting to believe, and every now and then I'm able to do so wholeheartedly, but not always. That's why I like to talk about this with people who have made their minds up. After all, we can't all be right.

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