Tuesday, June 29, 2004


I figured that you were becoming bored with my brilliant insights so I printed out Jack's last posting and showed it to a few friends. I will quote from their comments.

Nikita (While pounding on the table with his shoe): "See, I told you we would burri you!"

J. McCarthy: "See, I told you..."

Dostoyevsky: "... it is permitted."

Homer: "Doh!"

Boomhauer: "Yurmbrmpomnderwedcndorpullinmylegman."

Jefferson: "I shall roll over in my grave yet again!"

Lincoln #1: "Seven score years hence, our descendants seceded from the union of senses."

Lincoln #2: "On second thought, Mr. Davis, you have a good point."

Kennedy: "Ask not, 'Why your country takes so much from you', but ask, 'How can it take more?'"

Thoreau: "I lost Walden to back taxes!"

Martin: "I had a dream... but what the hell is this?"

Jessie: "The shirt off your back to the Democrat, your dough for our show, from your account on up our mount, out of your mouth lest we go south,... Wait, Steve, I have more clever rhymes to weave..."

Steve: "Ok, Jessie, we got it! Now shut up!"

Dennis: "Keep rowing, Babe."

Babe: "No problem, honey, this hurricane is a only a breeze compared to the liberal's sleeze."

Dennis: "You listening to Jessie on that ham radio or somethin'?"

Sanchez the ex-Marine: "Semper Fidel es."

Castro: "The embargo wasn't altogether successful, was it?"

Bin Laden: "I like it-- a jihad with a three-piece suit and a briefcase!!"

F.D.R.: "Today, June 28, 2004, a date that will go down in inanity."

Einstein: "And they laughed at me for not being able to tie my shoes."

Jim Bakker: "21% and more? I was in the wrong business, a tithe is only 10%"

Cochrane: "It doesn't fit, but you must submit."

David: "The State is my shepherd, I shall not want..."

Hoffa: (Could not be reached for comment.)

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