Friday, July 09, 2004


Okay, I know you guys think I just sit around all day doing nothing (thus taking after my father, except that instead of sleeping with my head resting on a microscope, I sleep sitting up at my computer wearing sunglasses). Just so you understand a little more just how hard this job is, here's an example of the email I have to slog through every day.

Subject: Prison Planet Daily News Digest

Thursday I will be posting Eric Hufschmid's 9/11 Painful Deceptions video. The people who claim Flight 77 hit the Pentagon have almost no supporting evidence, as this video shows.

Summary of the Video's Accusation:

Flight 77:

There is no evidence of Flight 77 or the dead passengers at the Pentagon. The Pentagon security video suggests a Global Hawk was shattered by a missile. The missile may have been launched from a defensive missile system around the Pentagon.

The World Trade Center Towers:

Explosives were placed in both towers before the attack to cause the towers to disintegrate into dust. Explosives were detonated via radio by a computer in Building 7.

Building 7: It was a 47 story, steel-framed building that disintegrated later in the day, also from explosives. The 23rd floor was the Mayor̢۪s "Emergency Command Center," which had its own air supply. This appears to be the command center for destroying the towers.

The video also includes: an explanation of turbofans, explosives, the Oklahoma City bombing, the media that Americans mistakenly refer to as our "Free Press," and why deception is the main weapon in this war to control us.

The email offers a website, where you can see the video. Unfortunately you have to pay for it, and I, a lowly state employee, cannot afford the $5.95.

Here's a couple other nice little bits from the same email (these links don't require a subscription):

Kerry and Edwards Will Use Campaign to Push Domestic Spy Agency

White House Insider: Bush Could Launch Nuke Attack on Iran, N Korea to Swing Election

Osama Warms Up For His Next CIA Gig

Of course, having no direct evidence with which to refute any of this, I suppose I have to give the guy the benefit of the doubt. Right?

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