Saturday, July 10, 2004


A beautiful gorilla princess strolls leisurely along a countryside path on a gorgeous early summer day. Despite the wealth and privilege she enjoyed from her status in life, she yearned for something more. She wasn't overtly aware of it, but she could feel her biological clock ticking away. Her romantic nature longed for a soul mate, but her suitors, well bred and mannered, were all toads. As she walked alongside a serene pond lost in thought, she suddenly heard the deep croaking of a frog. As she sought the source of the song, she spotted the large frog calmly seated on a lily pad near the low bank. He remained still as she approached. She bent down and softly began grunting to him. As he proved such a good listener, she playfully gave him a peck on the head. And, voila, the frog turned into a handsome prince. Ya-da, ya-da, ya-da, and they lived happily ever after.

This story spread quickly, becoming theory, then widely accepted as fact with only one minor revision. The voila time frame changed from the instantaneous to millions of years. This fact was faithfully taught to millions of school children year after year and became the paradigmatic basis for all stages of the development of the universe: the cosmic, biological, and human/cultural developments.

Some sillies may ask, “Why are there still monkeys?”. For gosh sake– they are the poor bastards without the panache to seduce a frog! Some people just don’t have the intellects to think things out with scientific logic!

And Aesop blushed.

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