Wednesday, July 14, 2004


An old army buddy from Butte always used to say, "Montana-- where men are men, women are scarce, so sheep shudder."

I do not advocate discrimination against homosexuals in all this marriage hoopla. I believe that a homosexual man may marry a woman just as a straight man may. Where's the discrimination?

My philosophical beef here is with the adulteration of language. For example, if you cut yourself and asked me to get you a band-aid and I bring you an anvil claiming that it is a band-aid... The word gay used to mean joyful... Now the meaning of marriage is supposed to magically mean something else.

Why don't they call same sex unions veteranages so they can get veteran's benefits? We surely couldn't discriminate against them just because they didn't serve in the military, could we?

...equal under the law... It's a fine sounding idea, but in the liberal world the 'law' means whatever the judge says it means. It need not have any relation to the actual wording or intent of the law when written. Tomorrow he may rule on it in another way as his epiphany dictates.

"Lassie... Lassie, where are you, girl?"

"Arf, I'm bookin'. That freakin' Timmy is gettin' weird ideas about marriage. Maybe I can get myself stuck in the well this time. Billy Bob! Get the hell out of there, I saw it first!"

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