Saturday, July 03, 2004


“You’re in denial.”

“No, I’m not!”


Proponents of the idea that the ‘general welfare’ clause in the Constitution permits the federal government to delve into the entire gamut of culture generally fathom this superficial depth. This position is further buoyed by the fact that the omnipotent State is already omnipresent and therefore ‘godfathered’ in.

If one were so daringly impudent as to press this question further upon the omniscient, the responses usually run some variation on two themes. One is that the Constitution, as the supreme law of the land, is a living document ratified for its flexibility to tackle and repair evolving cultural dilemmas. The second theme debases the prescientific, slave-owning WASP founders.

The deep draft taken from the sage’s cup is sweet to the taste, but after rumination, it quickly becomes deathly bitter as it courses through the society’s GI system. Although an encephalotoxin, it is indigestible by those fortunate enough to have been properly inoculated. I hope peristalsis moves it quickly to its proper end.

The nation’s intellectual coroners have declared God’s death, the courts have ruled his words inapplicable to law– there are no absolutes. The Constitution, as it was literally written is only accepted by naive whimsy. It waxen form is deconstructed and reconstructed daily by the wisdom de jour. The culture today is far advanced in comparison to those superstitious, medieval founding fathers. Man is in charge.

A funny thing happened on the road to man’s glorious success– logical fruit stemmed naturally from the seeds sown. For example, one sprout– We have determined that an unborn baby is not a human. It is legal and often considered highly moral to destroy it, even suck his brains out as it is being born. Subsequent logic says that 5 minutes, 5 or 50 years later, really can’t make a difference, either. (In fairness to the liberals here, I have to be honest with my data. After 50 years of action by the aforementioned E-toxin, there are no brains left to suck out.) Anyone should be able to determine for himself who is human and how they may be treated. After all, God is dead, the Constitution is just old words on aged parchment, and by logical extension, any law with which I disagree is equally worthless. The only valid law is my own and I can change that upon caprice. The ‘Lord of the Flies’ Jam. With a name like Smucker’s it’s gotta be good.

The liberal vision’s fruit was succinctly stated in song in Jethro Tull's own inimitable way:
Sitting on a park bench...
Eying little girls with bad intents...
While spitting out pieces of his broken lung...
Watching the little panties run...
Snot is running down his nose...

There's a sucker born every minute.

Caveat emptor.

Why are the nations in a uproar
And the peoples devising a vain thing?
The kings of the earth take their stand
And the rulers take counsel together
Against the Lord and against His Anointed, saying,
“Let us tear their fetters apart and cast away their cords from us!”

He who sits in the heavens laughs,
The Lord scoffs at them.

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