Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Steve Re: Miscellaneous Lepidopterans

I’ve heard John Kerry referred to as the ‘French-urian Candidate’. Surely Doug LaFollette couldn’t have done better than that!

Jack, half-truths and innuendo are not the sole property of people like Dan Rather, Carl Sagan, and James McCarville. I suspect Rush Limbaugh to have used that technique once, maybe twice in his stellar 16 year career as well. Although the liberals have nearly cornered that market, they have not yet amassed a total monopoly.

Biston betularia. Canis familiaris. Clarence Milquetoast, a 98 pound weakling, has a son who gets a job on a farm and becomes a 198 pound stud. (He’s a liberal, so he’s still a pusillanimous weakling.) This example of natural selection somehow lends credence to the evolutionary hypocrises?

Jean, Jack, Jerry, Steve, & Jim– run the gamut of intelligence, appearance, physical abilities, and style. In the cold, cruel pristine world some would have been naturally selected out in a hurry. (I suspect that, in reality, only one would have survived!)(Only one, in reality, did survive to actual adult maturity– the rest devolved to Homo halibutts.)

The changes in the Biston betularia coloration patterns don’t show a successful mutation, nor does it indicate a potential change of species. Just like Canis familiaris, Chihuahua to Great Dane, these characteristics are already present in the gene pool.

I don’t care what the erudite say. Jack should still be classified as a Homo sapien.

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