Saturday, November 13, 2004

Here's another column along the same lines as the Leonard Pitt column I posted yesterday:

Bill Wineke: Political divide isn't as deep as we think:

"A column like this one elicits a fair amount of mail each week and the mail I get suggests that people aren't as polarized or as stubborn as you might think reading the pundits who analyze elections."

I wonder if we'll get a respite from all the "polarized nation" rhetoric we've been hearing since 2000. Here's that map of the county-by-county results:

That sure looks impressive, but we all know those counties aren't completely red or blue. I actually like the Onion's version, better:

That about sums it up for me, at least as far as the gray states go. I think I can do without being a battleground state in 2008.

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