Monday, November 22, 2004

Nerd Alert!

What? A new Battlestar Galactica?

Lileks says so:

"I watched the first episode of Battlestar Galactica's new season. Not something I ever thought I would look forward to, given how much I loathed the original. I mean, if you were eight years old and watched it in your Underoos and have great love for it because it was part of your childhood, that's fine. Sad, but fine. At the time we quasi-adults thought it was stupid, and an obvious ripoff of the Genius of George Lucas. (In retrospect, they just showed us what Lucas probably would have done if he'd had to produce a weekly series.)

Anyway. The new series has not yet broadcast here in the states, but it's coming. Bottom line: Yes. Yes, indeed. It's very good. Even the Courtney-Love-as-Starbuck thing works. The slogan for the show: 'The World is Over.' And that's exactly how it feels. The show has a pervasive ache to its tone and timbre, and I applaud all involved. I can only hope that the people behind the 80s version of 'Buck Rogers' watch it and soil themselves in shame. If Twiki ever went up against Jar-Jar I'd root for the Binks. Which says a lot. To be exact, it says 'bidi bidi bidi.' Meesa hate that."

Holy crap, it's true!

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