Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Found this new blog - Captain's Quarters. He speculates that appointing Bill Clinton as the U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. might be a politically sound move.

Captain's Quarters

Well, how about this: could Hillary run for President while Bill served as UN Secretary-General? Constitutionally, yes, but politically, her run for the White House would be a dead letter. No one, including the Democrats, would want to see that much power concentrated in the hands of one family.

1 comment:

The probligo said...

There is no way, absolutely, that Clinton or any other American could be appointed as Sec Gen at the UN.


For the very simple reason - I believe - that the Charter of the UN requires the Sec Gen to be a citizen of a "non-aligned" country.

Despite Bush's fervent attempts to get off-side with everyone else, I still do not believe that the US is "non-aligned".

If I am wrong about the "non-aligned" bit, there are still 240 nations who would vote against ANY american, and a goodly number who would vote against any US nominee.