Thursday, April 14, 2005

Hey, Grandpa John, when do I get my press pass?

Mark Sabia, yellow-flagged microphone in tow, has been a regular in press boxes at Yankee Stadium, Shea and Madison Square Garden for years. He pushed his way to the front in post-game interviews, button-holed players for one-on-ones, and complained when he felt he wasn't being treated fairly. In other words, he was indistinguishable from the rest of the small-market television sports reporters in New York's locker rooms.

Except the outlet Sabia represents - Westchester Cable Services - doesn't exist, according to the Queens County District Attorney.

'Isn't that wild,' Yankees manager Joe Torre said.

1 comment:

Steve Burri said...

Mr. Burri, I have no comment as I am not authorized to release any information at this time.
(Besides, I read your last article about me and other than misquotes, items taken out of context, and totally misrepresenting my viewpoint, it was pretty good.)