Thursday, June 09, 2005

After spending many long years and billions of dollars on the psychiatrist's couch attempting to overcome my deep-seated feelings of inadequacy and rejection, I have finally succeeded in experiencing an epiphany.

As you may or may not know, the members of the nuclear family in which I was raised were named: John, Sr., Julia, Jean, John, Jr., Jerry, and Jim. In between Jerry and Jim came the rejected one, Steve. Oh, how my life has been misery from my youth. But now ,with my new found understanding, I have triumphed over that hellish rejection. You may have noticed that I have taken on the nickname of JJJJawbone! I'm free, I'm free! No more rejection!

There is one drawback, however. Although Jawbone begins with my much coveted 'J', the full nickname is 'Jawbone of an Ass'. Therefore the feeling of inadequacy is somewhat heightened. But, I can live with that!

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