Saturday, June 11, 2005

Even a dead squirrel sometimes finds a nut.

From the Asheville, NC Citizen Times, a letter to the editor (emphasis added):

Unnecessary squirrel death reminder of our responsibility

I am an animal lover. I am shocked at the speed of automobiles on the Blue Ridge Parkway and have reported same to the rangers.

On a recent Sunday I saw a little squirrel halfway across the road. A driver approached and could have more than given the squirrel time to get out of danger, but no. He hit the little squirrel. I jumped out hoping he was only dazed. I picked him up, trying to breathe air into his nostrils — his heart was still beating — yet he died in my arms before I got home.

This indifference must end — they are God’s creations. We are responsible for their welfare.

Faye Arrington,


1 comment:

Steve Burri said...

If the squirrel was only dazed when she found him, it must've been her breath that actually killed him.
The scene after she arrived home, "Oh, Maw, squirrel stew again!?"