Thursday, June 09, 2005


Part I
Part II
Part III

Brief recap: the San Sebastian mines were worthless, and there's no way Francisco D'Anconia didn't know it before he sunk all those millions into it. Now he expects a domino effect: the other successful businesses are all going down.

Now, this is a guy who knows how to strategize! He's deliberately bringing all the achievers down, letting the softies succeed, so he can swoop in later and clean up! That's how he's going to keep his pledge of doubling his family's fortune.

I love how they call the non-capitalists "looters."

Oh, and did anybody else notice that "who is John Galt" is an anagram of "a Whig's jolt, hon." I think that's what Ayn Rand said to her husband when he asked her what she was working on.

1 comment:

Al said...

The commentariat was all abuzz over that anagram a few years back.