Wednesday, August 31, 2005

For many years, I have worked with patients suffering from all kinds of neural dysfunctions. Some were diagnosed as psychiatric cases, others as Alzheimer’s, mental retardation, trauma injury, or the general decline due to aging. During these years I have been able to ‘rub elbows’ with a good number of neurologists and other specialists concerning brain damage and biochemical disorders. (NO! NOT as a patient!)

As of late, there is a consensus among these professionals, without being able to see and test her directly, that Cindy Sheehan is as brain-dead as Mike Tyson, Darryl Strawberry, or Teddy Kennedy. Their analysis of video clips and statements cause them to draw this conclusion. Some have even gone so far as to maintain that her feeding and hydration should be withdrawn. They seem to feel that her quality of life is not one that should be continually forced upon her.

I’m not real comfortable with this prognosis, but I can’t uncover any evidence that would refute their conclusions.

Can anyone help me out here?

1 comment:

Al said...
