Tuesday, October 11, 2005

There you go, Lance, getting me started again...

More than a few psychologists and psychiatrists put some stock in Rorshach ink blot analysis and word association to develop insights into the state of mind of the client 'on their couch'. I'm certain that we laymen do as well. Someone says, "Hello" and we step back and think, "Hmmm, I wonder what he meant by that?"

Jib likens the flap over the Harriet Miers nomination to a proctological exam. Hmmm, I wonder what he meant by that? Does that give us deep insights into Jib's character? Why a proctological exam and not the usual 'root canal'? Or even an IRS audit? It sure makes me wonder about where Jib's head is really at!

Of course, any of you that may know me or have even read much of what I have written most probably will be index-fingering your uvula about now saying, "Look who's talking!" Good point. Okay, okay, I'll pass some more ammunition.

Governor Doyle and several others are seeking compensation from oil companies and individual retailers for gasoline 'price gouging'. Doyle is pressing for a gaspayers bill of rights, GABOR, but refuses to entertain a reasonable taxpayer bill of rights. I associate this situation with Zsa Zsa Gabor pimpslapping a cop and trying to gouge his eyes out on the mean streets of Hollywood a few years back. The governor is Zsa Zsa and we are the cop.

I heard on the local radio station that State Senator Judy Robson (D- B'loit) is considering introducing a bill that would require all cigarettes sold in Wisconsin to be the self-extinguishing kind. Whatever the pros and cons of such a law, I can only associate these safer cigarettes with former U.S. Surgeon General Jocelyn Elders' 'safer bullets' of a few years back.

I associate the Miers nomination controversy with the Philadephia Eagles. Many of the complainants can be likened to Terrell Owens and his antics during this past off season. Now as they struggle along with a lame-duck, but heroic quarterback, they get the crap kicked out of them by the Dallas Cowboys. Could I possibly be associating this game against the Cowpokes with the 2006 elections against the left? (Sorry, Owen,Wendy, and Jed.).....(Not!)


Jib said...

Root canal would not have made Lance as squeamish.

Jane Bellwether said...

Would that be why the nomination has left me nonplussed? I fear no proctologist, not having the parts they are interested in.

Robson, on the other hand...

Jane Bellwether said...

After posting that, I realized it sounded like I was implying that I was afraid of Judy Robson. I meant to imply that Robson should be afraid of the proctologist. Kidding! I am afraid of Robson. I'll never earn the kind of money she wants to spend.

Steve Burri said...

Tee Bee,
How long have you been missing a rectum and colon?