Monday, March 27, 2006

¡Vote Para Mí!

Taking off on a theme introduced on Rush Limbaugh's radio program this morning, I would like to state my political position concerning illegal immigration and announce my candidacy for the U.S. Senate.

Be it resolved:

Whereas there are millions of jobs in the United States that citizens will not take,

Whereas there are millions of undocumented immigrants that will fill those positions,

Whereas there are millions of protesting jobs open to make a difference, save the planet, and speak truth to Bushitler,

Whereas there are few American citizens that will fill those positions,

Whereas there are millions of undocumented workers who will protest actions by the U.S. Congress,

Be it resolved: That our borders be freely opened for the undocumented to fill the millions of needed low-paying, non-union protesting positions available.

Vote para Steve, los EE.UU. Senado

(¡En Wisconsin, ninguna identificación de votante se requiere!)

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