Friday, February 29, 2008

Wisconsin Leap Year History

On Leap Year Day in Wisconsin History:
1956 - Father of Modern Wisconsin Republican Party dies
On this day William J. Campbell, a major contributor the Wisconsin Republican Party, died at his home in Oshkosh. A lumber broker and former University of Wisconsin regent, Campbell never held public office, but was generally given credit for the founding of the Republican Voluntary Committee, the working party organization in the state. State Attorney General Vernon W. Thomson hailed Campbell as a "true political pioneer" for steering the selection of GOP candidates away from the "domination of Robert M. LaFollette, Sr." An ardent opponent of the "nomination paper" method of endorising candidates for office, Campbell founded the Republican Voluntary Committee in 1925, in large part as a means of circumventing state limitations on spending by the statutory Republican Party. [Source: Milwaukee Journal 2/29/1956, Section 2 p. 12]
This morning we had a seance and I was able to channel Mr. Campbell and gleaned three quotable quotes worth blogging:

"Mr. Obama... I knew Abraham Lincoln. I worked with Abraham Lincoln, and you are no Abraham Lincoln."

"Modern Republican Party... I knew the Republican Party. I worked with the Republican Party, but who in the hell are you?"

"I haven't seen 'Fightin' Bob even once since I've been here. I can only assume he's..."

...End of seance.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My older sister who is celebrating her birthday is today was born on a leap year.

I plan on calling her later today and telling her that if she was born a day earlier she would be only 17 now instead of 68. :=)