Saturday, November 28, 2009

Home Depot Nails It

Doug of The Daley Gator, Stacy of The Other McCain, and Carol of No Sheeples Here are having an intra-conference spat about the upcoming S.E.C. Championship game next week. Stacy and Carol are Alabama fans while Doug is a Florida fan. They seem to think that this game is tantamount to the national championship as they consider the S.E.C. to be the top conference in the nation.

What they fail to realize is that the B.C.S. computer model is the spittin' image of the University of East Anglia's Climate Research Unit's anthropocentric global warming model program. It's rigged to help the S.E.C. keep a high self-esteem.

Nonetheless, one of the regular sponsors of S.E.C. games is Home Depot and they are sharp enough to get it. They sponsor a segment called 'Tools to Victory.' One thing is for sure. There are no shortage of TOOLS in the S.E.C.

Pat of And So it Goes in Shreveport is an L.S.U. fan, but is keeping a very low profile despite all the Tiger TOOLS in Baton Rouge.

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