Sunday, March 28, 2010

History Repeats Itself

See, the Doom & Gloom Has Not Come to Pass.

University of Iowa Field House, Iowa City, Iowa, March, 2010
[...] Leaders of the Republican Party, they called the passage of this bill “Armageddon.” (Laughter.)  Armageddon. “End of freedom as we know it.”

So after I signed the bill, I looked around to see if there any -- (laughter) -- asteroids falling or -- (applause) -- some cracks opening up in the Earth. (Laughter.) It turned out it was a nice day. (Laughter.) Birds were chirping. Folks were strolling down the Mall.[...]
The Bunker, Berlin, Germany, March, 1945
[...]The Allies, they called the rise of the Third Reich 'Armageddon.' (Nervous titter) Armageddon. 'The end of civilization as we know it.'

So after I signed the order to fix the Jewish problem, I looked around the see if there were any --(Nervous titter)-- asteroids falling or --(fidgety clapping)-- some cracks opening up in the Earth. (Nervous giggles) It turned out it was a nice day. (Nervous titters with ducking) A rain storm's thunder announces the life-giving rain's approach. Crickets were chirping. Folks were healthfully jogging in the streets. [...]

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