Sunday, June 26, 2005

Dada Theater Presents:

"A Rocking Horse Must Sway Both To AND Fro or It Will just be a Trojan Horse"

Since everyone expresses interest in fairness, justice and equality, I propose legal action that would take us one step further toward the fulfillment of that worthy goal. As Mama always used to say, "What's good for the goose is good for the gander." In the U.S., justice is depicted by a woman holding a set of balances in her hand. There are no fingers adding weight to one side or the other. The woman also is blindfolded to insure that justice herself does not prejudice the evidence or lack thereof in determining the decision or make justice dependent upon the appearance, wealth, or gender of the litigants.

In conjunction with these principles, the right to privacy in the area of reproductive rights needs to be expanded. At present the woman involved has all the freedom of choice concerning her pregnancy. The father has no say as to whether the child is aborted or brought to term. My expectation is that the right to privacy's tent should be expanded to be more inclusive and not exclude even the most dispicable among our citizenry-- men. To allow the right to privacy and reproductive rights their full function to all Americans, the sperm donor should be allowed the choice of 'virtual abortion'. At the price of an abortion's average determined cost, the father could exercise his rights to abort all responsibilities of support for both mother and unborn child, as well as the 18 years of traditional responsibilities if the child is allowed to live. In this way, the Constitutional rights of privacy and reproductive choice expands to its logical place-- freedom and justice for all.

(Postscript-- I hate doing this, but as I am often accused of being obtuse in my writing and as I expect that most blog visitors are skimmers rather than readers, I want to explain a couple of things. The title and subtitle of this post contain two double entendres germane to the post. 'Dada', a baby's first word for Daddy and the chosen French word (meaning rocking horse) for a school of art trying to depict life's meaningless and absurdity. And, of course, 'Trojan' is both referring to the ancient city-state of Troy as well as the condom manufacturer. Since there is so much on the blogosphere to read, I often superficially skim as well, but I would ask readers of this blog to suspect that my obtuseness is most often purposeful and meaningful to the intended subject. Since my highest levels of educational completion are a high school diploma and instruction as a nurse's aide, meaning that I have learned to make beds and change adult briefs, all you college grads should have no trouble deciphering my writing!)


David Kear said...

An interesting tid bit. The American symbol for justice is the Roman goddess Justitia.

David Kear said...

I love the sights commitment to fairness. I am going to link to you.

Al said...

The perennial question is, "Where's Jack?"

Of course, that always makes me think of PeeWee Herman.