Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Shahzad's Link to Tea Party Movement

Everyone knows that the Tea Party Movement was initiated to draw out violence from the silent majority. So whenever we see violence happening, we know that the silent leaders of the Bowel Movers are behind the scenes working feverishly to create mayhem in the forms of racism, sexism, antinomianism, homophobia, and xenophobic bigotry. They especially target this modern federal government since it is lead by an African-American, a woman, a homosexual, and Harry Reid, who appears to be of a totally different species.

The Tea Party's latest attempt to attack modern America was carried out by a man named Faisal Shahzad, a Pakistani who became a naturalized citizen about a year ago. Faisal was lured into the Tea Party Movement simply by its name. The Pakistanis love their tea. Even though Pakistan is quite poor, they import over 220 million dollars worth of tea each year.

Shahzad was easily recruited here in lower Manhattan:

Here is Faisal at a Tea Party protest:

And Conservative America has the audacity to claim that Faisal Shahzad had nothing to do with the Tea Party Movement despite this irrefutable proof.

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