Thursday, June 24, 2004


History is rife with examples of people doing the wrong thing for the wrong reason. A flawed human being may believe God wants him to murder an abortion provider. A flawed human being, heavily influenced by his upbringing (also flawed due to its dependence on other human beings) may believe God wants him to blow himself up in a crowded theater.

A gun can be used to murder, or in self defense, or to put food on the table. A pen can be used to write poetry, or to write slander, or to stab somebody in the neck. What use the tool is put to doesn't make the tool evil - only the intentions and actions of the person using it.

A student may erase a whole line of A's written in cursive because he thinks the teacher will want to see better work, then get into trouble because the teacher wants to see the original work. The teacher hasn't "encouraged" a wrong outcome - the student has misunderstood, or misapplied, or maybe is trying to cheat.

The Sons of Liberty did some pretty vile things in opposing Britain, before the Revolutionary War. The regimes of Lenin and Stalin (and Castro) did much much worse, in a cause that some people still believe in.

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