Monday, July 19, 2004

Lance Re: gay marriage

Todd, focus, man, focus back atcha. I'm saying homosexuals already have all these things because they do. I'm not arguing they shouldn't have the right to them. Never have. I didn't write that.

That post you cited wasn't meant to be a full analysis of my view on the issue: it was aimed specifically at the pro-gay marriage argument that it's not about the benefits, but about acceptance. Just some thoughts about that I've been kicking around. I actually have yet to come to a comfortable position on the issue, so I reserve the right to argue different points until I do.

Let me put it a different way: three of us on this blog are married. If there were no financial benefits to marriage, would that have stopped any of us? Marriage existed long before the government marriage license and employer benefits.

Maybe homosexuals would do themselves better simply by living their lives the way they've chosen to live them. I do not need government approval to validate my life choices, and they should not need it, either.

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