Monday, July 19, 2004

Steve               Re:tort to Todd
Todd, I do apologize for my lack of focus.  I really do need to show more consideration for the potential readers of my posts.  From now on I will try to write more s-l-o-w-l-y.
I am especially concerned that it appears that you may be suffering from the same drug and alcohol problem that I used to have. 
In your school days did you score poorly on the reading comprehension section of any standardized tests that you may have taken?  I believe that even Evelyn Wood requires that you read it all and consider context. 
I claimed that the word marriage means man and woman; not man and women, woman and men, man and man, woman and woman.  As Todd 'Webster', you, by some unknown warrant, change it to man and person, or woman and person.  The post that you sicced on me (It was very good, by the way!) derided those who would change the word to mean man and the one he loves, woman and the one she loves.  And why not?  You alter the meaning in one way, someone else another.  That opened the can of worms that you claim to so dearly love-- beastiality, children, the dead, and life-like dolls.  (Considering your aim, I don't thing your TV screen is in jeopardy unless it is very, very large!)
General George Washington writes home to his wife after a successful day of routing Hessians.  "My dear, I am feeling particularly gay this day."  I expect that neither Martha nor the kids would have considered questioning his sexuality.  But if George W. Bush wrote that... 
You didn't want little Billy Bob shoving it in your face.  The Massachusetts Supreme Court appears to be shoving their agenda in a lot of faces and that far beyond the borders of their own state.  (The article to which you sent me stated, "...the issue of gay marriage should not be slipped through using arcane legal arguments before a court.  It is fundamentally a political question, and it should be decided using political processes, taking into account the attitudes and opinions of the collective citizenry." 
I did bring up the beastiality issue-- Timmy's gettin' some weird ideas about Lassie.
I did try to pick a fight with Lance-- The monkeys without enough panache to seduce a frog.  (Evolution is a big joke.)
Todd, I'm afraid that if you keep up this kind of shoddy work, you will be banished from the 'Rising Stars' list on the place you directed me.

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