Friday, September 17, 2004


Rush Limbaugh has been asserting as an undeniable truth that the Clintons, as the Democratic Party Bosses, are indeed working to assure that John Kerry loses this presidential race to George W. Bush in order to allow Hillary to run in 2008. He uses as evidence of this rationale manifestations in three general areas.

1. Kerry’s inept campaign is bolstered in its ineptitude by the addition of Clintonites as Carville, et. al. They are helping to assure that the campaign continues in this ineffective manner.

2. John Edwards is seldom out there conspicuously. Some say that they don’t want him to show up the colorless Kerry, but others say that the Clintonites do not want him to gain too much popularity so that he may become a viable Democratic challenger to Hillary in the future.

3. MoveOn.Org and other 527's are further splintering minority coalitions away from Kerry supporters by drawing off funds that may normally be directed toward encouraging minority support. It is supposed that Hillary can come in in four years to rebuild the coalition to her own benefit.

I don’t know about all this, but it doesn’t seem out of the realm of possibilities. If anything it would still only be an adjunct to Lance’s undeniable truth concerning this campaign– ‘John Kerry is such a Goober.’

(Lance, fix your darn time & date on your posts. Now I have to change my time to get my posting after yours.) (You Republicans will do anything to be on top.)


Lance Burri said...

Oh, like I have to cheat to top you.

If your (our) theory is correct, then I predict we're going to start seeing a lot more of Edwards as the campaigns wind down. That way, he'll be in a much better position to take blame for the defeat, and will thus be a less attractive candidate for President.

Lance Burri said...

Hey! It's not quarter to eleven!

Steve Burri said...

Your clock must be slow... see?