Sunday, May 31, 2009

A New School School

As FARK calls it, "Preparation for liberal arts degrees."

Paideia students walk in homeless’ shoes:
Only a few days before, Aryelle Cormier, 17, slept in her suburban Gwinnett home by night and and attended The Paideia School by day.

But not now. At the moment, she is homeless. Cormier and 14 of her schoolmates bed down each night on a playground of the Inman Park Cooperative Preschool near downtown Atlanta, an unlikely classroom with stark questions for the typical private school kid...

Many said they felt guilty about having grown up in middle and upper-middle class homes that afforded them so many opportunities. They also felt a second round of guilt for “intruding on the lives” of the homeless.
Experiencing the homeless life: 3 weeks.

Refusing to personally intrude, but rather relegating that to the Feds: 16.2 trillion.

Lifelong guilt for winning life's lottery: Priceless.

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